Monday, June 25, 2007

Well, it has been a long time since I posted but there has been alot going on in our lives. Over the last week we went to a minor league baseball game with Jordan, her first game! It was really cool! Then my Uncle Colby and his family came down and stayed with us for a night. His boys were really good with Jordan, and on Fathers day we cooked breakfast for everyone. Lori, Jordan, and I went down to Atlanta this weekend for my birthday, it was the best birthday I have had since I was ten. First we went to a Braves game, then Joel and I played golf Sat. morning and then watched their oldest son Elijah play allstar baseball. Then theat night we went to a Steve Miller Band Concert. What a weekend! Finally we came back home and I had some daddy time with Jordan. Going and doing things is great but Daddy time is the best!!!

1 comment:

Jill Vaughan said...

I can't wait to see her! We need a family beach house.